Contact: Sifu Julian Dale T: +44 (0)1628 780 743   W:

service_eagleclaw1-642x300The Maidenhead Eagle Claw Kung Fu school offers a unique centre of excellence in which to learn Authentic Chinese Martial arts Kung Fu, Tai Chi Chuan, Chi Gung and Lion Dance. The school is run and managed by SiFu Julian Dale, who has over 30 years experience in Chinese martial arts, having spent long periods of time training in Hong Kong, China and in America

The Primary Kung Fu styles systems that are taught are Northern Chinese Eagle Claw Kung Fu, Chi Gung, Yang and Chen style Tai Chi Chuan.

The school is open 6 days a week with classes for children and adults, men and women, in Kung fu and Tai Chi Chuan.

Private lessons with sifu dale are also available. The school also provides holistic health care massage and injury treatment.

Students come from all walks of life, and across the UK and Europe to be part of our organisation.

Eagle Claw Kung Fu School: 1st Floor, 78 Portlock Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire. SL6 6DZ, United Kingdom.

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