Contact: Darren Ball T: 03 9539 3836 E: W:
Yamagawa-ha is an official branch of the Fudoshin Ryu which is under the authority of Soke Tony Ball in Australia. The Fudoshin Ryu was founded by Robert Lawrence in 1969 in England where it is currently headed by Shihan Jim McAllister.
The main dojo has been running at it’s current location at the Seaford Community Centre, Melbourne since 2006.
Fudoshin Ryufudoshin kids is the name of the system of Martial Arts training formed
by Soke Robert Lawrence in 1968. It is a collection of training ideology, techniques, philosophy and syllabus from Judo, Jujutsu, Karate, Aikido, Weaponry and various other fighting arts that forms an integrated system of combat and self-defence.
Darren Ball heads up the Yamagawa dojo and has been training since he was very young. Darren was privileged to have also trained under his Godfather, Soke Lawrence, as well as having obvious access to Soke Ball (his father) for most of his life.
He is currently ranked 4th-dan in Bujutsu and achieved his Weapons Master certificate in 1998.
Darren teaches all of the lessons at the Yamagawa Dojo and is supported by a strong team of Black Belts who, in turn, are taught by both himself and Soke Ball. Darren has also achieved Yudansha ranks in Judo, Jujutsu and Karate.